e-mail: a.galbarczyk@uj.edu.pl
2022: habilitacja w dyscyplinie nauki o zdrowiu, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum
2013: doktorat z nauk o zdrowiu, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum
2005: magister Zdrowia Publicznego, Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum
Projekty Badawcze
2021 – 2023 Relationships between reproductive tract microbiota and levels of sex steroid hormones, physical activity and psychological stress
2022 – 2023 Trauma, resilience, health: Hormonal, immunological and genetic biomarkers of stress response among three generations of Ukrainian refugees
2020-2025 BirthRites – Cultures of Reproduction, kierownik projektu: Heidi Colleran,Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, wykonawca
2018 – 2022 Developmental programming and physical activity at adulthood in relation to levels of sex steroid hormones in women: implications for breast cancer prevention
2019-2020 Tattoos, Personality, and Individual Differences, kierownik projektu: Gareth Richards, Newcastle University, wykonawca
2017 – 2019 Zakłócenia hamowania oraz habituacji kortyzolowej odpowiedzi na stres jako potencjalny mechanizm łączący stres mniejszościowy z niepożądanymi skutkami w obszarze zdrowia, kierownik projektu: Magdalena Mijas, wykonawca
2018-2021 Programowanie wczesnorozwojowe i aktywność fizyczna w życiu dorosłym a stężenia hormonów płciowych u kobiet: implikacje dla prewencji raka piersi, kierownik projektu: prof. Grażyna Jasieńska, wykonawca
2017-2018: Infant-Directed Song in Small-Scale Societies, kierownik projektu Samuel Mehr & Max Krasnow, Harvard University, wykonawca
2015-2017: Afast! Powiedz To, Kierownik projektu na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim Collegium Medicum (projekt realizowany przez konsorcjum w składzie: Park Naukowo – Technologiczny „TECHNOPARK GLIWICE” Sp. z o.o., Fundacja „Salus Publica” oraz Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum),
2014-2016 Biomarkery programowania płodowego a zdrowie i rozrodczość kobiet, grant z Narodowego Centrum Nauki, kierownik projektu: Magdalena Klimek, wykonawca
2014-2015: Wpływ obecności tatuażu u mężczyzn na ocenę ich atrakcyjności i zdrowia, kierownik projektu
2014-2015: International study of women’s health, kierownik projektu: Kathryn Clancy, Phd, University of Illinois; USA, wykonawca
2012: Impacts of Maternal Environment on Breast Milk composition, kierownik grantu: Dr Katie Hinde Harvard University, asystent
2011-2014: Płodność a starzenie się i długość życia kobiet, grant Ideas Plus z Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, kierownik grantu dr hab. Grażyna Jasieńska, wykonawca
2011-2014: Cechy historii reprodukcyjnej a starzenie się i długość życia kobiet, grant z Narodowego Centrum Nauki, kierownik dr hab. Grażyna Jasieńska, wykonawca
2009-2010: Family and social life in Polish rural population, kierownik grantu MSc Heidi Colleran, University College London, asystent
2009-2011: Mogielica XXI Jakość Życia i Zdrowie, kierownik dr hab. Grażyna Jasieńska, koordynator
2009: Zdrowie oraz kondycja matki i noworodka, kierownik
2005: Czynniki wpływające na wiek menopauzy, kierownik
2003: Sezonowość liczby urodzeń i rozmiarów noworodków w populacji wielkomiejskiej, kierownik
2001–2003: Styl życia, poziomy hormonów jajnikowych i ryzyko raka sutka u kobiet polskich i norweskich, grant z Komitetu Badań Naukowych, kierownik dr hab. Grażyna Jasieńska, asystent
2000–2002: Stężenia hormonów reprodukcyjnych a ryzyko raka piersi, grant z Norwegian Cancer Society, kierownik grantu prof. Inger Thune, asystent
Wybrane publikacje
Żyrek, J., Klimek, M., Apanasewicz, A., Ciochoń, A., Danel, D. P., Marcinkowska, U. M., … & Galbarczyk, A. (2024). Social support during pregnancy and the risk of postpartum depression in Polish women: A prospective study. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6906.
Słojewska, K., Galbarczyk, A., Klimek, M., Tubek-Krokosz, A., Krzych-Miłkowska, K., Szklarczyk, J., … & Jasienska, G. (2024). Higher number of steps is related to lower endogenous progesterone but not estradiol levels in women. Plos one, 19(4), e0299580.
Ali, B., Galbarczyk, A., Jasienska, G., Ba-Break, M., & Gül, H. (2024). Factors related to knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding cervical cancer among Yemeni women. BMC cancer, 24(1), 695.
Galbarczyk, A., Marcinkowska, U. M., Klimek, M., & Jasienska, G. (2023). Extreme pubic hair removal as a potential risk factor for recurrent urinary tract infections in women. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 19045.
Olko, J., Galbarczyk, A., Maryniak, J., Krzych‐Miłkowska, K., Tepec, H. I., de la Cruz, E., … & Jasienska, G. (2023). The spiral of disadvantage: Ethnolinguistic discrimination, acculturative stress and health in Nahua indigenous communities in Mexico. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 181(3), 364-378.
Klimek, M., Entringer, S., Matras, A., Blukacz, M., Nenko, I., Galbarczyk, A., & Jasienska, G. (2023). Early-life adversities and later-life reproductive patterns in women with fully traced reproductive history. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 9328.
Klimek, M., Marcinkowska, U. M., Galbarczyk, A., Nenko, I., & Jasienska, G. (2023). The age at first reproduction as a potential mediator between facial fluctuating asymmetry and reproductive success in women. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 181(2), 166-172.
Richards, G., Newman, M., Butler, A., Lechler-Lombardi, J., Osu, T., Krzych-Miłkowska, K., & Galbarczyk, A. (2023). Birth order, personality, and tattoos: A pre-registered empirical test of the ‘born to rebel’hypothesis. Personality and Individual Differences, 204, 112043.
Koziara, K., Mijas, M. E., Galbarczyk, A., Wycisk, J., Pliczko, M. P., Krzych-Miłkowska, K., & Grabski, B. (2022). It gets better with age: Resilience, stigma, and mental health among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer persons from Poland. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 958601.
Ścibor, M., Balcerzak, B., Galbarczyk, A., & Jasienska, G. (2022). Associations between daily ambient air pollution and pulmonary function, asthma symptom occurrence, and quick-relief inhaler use among asthma patients. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8), 4852.
Ban, H. E., Lee, K. M., Rogers‐LaVanne, M. P., Zabłocka‐Słowińska, K., Galbarczyk, A., Jasienska, G., & Clancy, K. B. (2022). Dietary protein source matters for changes in inflammation measured by urinary C‐reactive protein in rural polish women. American journal of biological anthropology, 178(1), 182-190.
Ciochoń, A., Apanasewicz, A., Danel, D. P., Galbarczyk, A., Klimek, M., Ziomkiewicz, A., & Marcinkowska, U. M. (2022). Antenatal classes in the context of prenatal anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(9), 5073.
Kerry, N., Al-Shawaf, L., Barbato, M., Batres, C., Blake, K. R., Cha, Y., … & Murray, D. R. (2022). Experimental and cross-cultural evidence that parenthood and parental care motives increase social conservatism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 289(1982), 20220978.
Hilton, C. B., Moser, C. J., Bertolo, M., Lee-Rubin, H., Amir, D., Bainbridge, C. M., … & Mehr, S. A. (2022). Acoustic regularities in infant-directed speech and song across cultures. Nature Human Behaviour, 6(11), 1545-1556.
Galbarczyk, A., Klimek, M., Blukacz, M., Nenko, I., Jabłońska, M., & Jasienska, G. (2021). Inflammaging: Blame the sons. Relationships between the number of sons and the level of inflammatory mediators among post‐reproductive women. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 175(3), 656-664.
Mijas, M., Blukacz, M., Koziara, K., Kasparek, K., Pliczko, M. P., Galbarczyk, A., & Jasienska, G. (2021). Dysregulated by stigma: Cortisol responses to repeated psychosocial stress in gay and heterosexual men. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 131, 105325.
Miłkowska, K., Nenko, I., Klimek, M., Galbarczyk, A., & Jasienska, G. (2021). Season of birth and biomarkers of early‐life environment. American Journal of Human Biology, 33(6), e23532.
Miłkowska, K., Galbarczyk, A., Klimek, M., Zabłocka-Słowińska, K., & Jasienska, G. (2021). Pathogen disgust, but not moral disgust, changes across the menstrual cycle. Evolution and Human Behavior, 42(5), 402-408.
Miłkowska, K., Galbarczyk, A., Mijas, M., & Jasienska, G. (2021). Disgust sensitivity among women during the COVID-19 outbreak. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 622634.
Mijas, M., Koziara, K., Galbarczyk, A., & Jasienska, G. (2021). Cardiovascular disease risk in bears and other gay men: a descriptive study from Poland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 1044.
Klimek, M., Galbarczyk, A., Nenko, I., & Jasienska, G. (2021). Biomarkers of fetal conditions: Finger ridge‐counts, facial fluctuating asymmetry, and digit ratio (2D: 4D)—are they correlated in women?. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 174(2), 224-231.
Galbarczyk, A., Mijas, M., Marcinkowska, U. M., Koziara, K., Apanasewicz, A., & Ziomkiewicz, A. (2020). Association between sexual orientations of individuals and perceptions of tattooed men. Psychology & Sexuality, 11(3), 150-160.
Marcinkowska, U. M., Ziomkiewicz, A., Kleisner, K., Galbarczyk, A., Klimek, M., Sancilio, A., … & Bribiescas, R. G. (2020). Oxidative stress as a hidden cost of attractiveness in postmenopausal women. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 21970.
Osu, T., Lechler-Lombardi, J., Butler, A., Newman, M., Miłkowska, K., Galbarczyk, A., & Richards, G. (2021). Fluctuating asymmetry of finger lengths, digit ratio (2D: 4D), and tattoos: A pre-registered replication and extension of Koziel et al.(2010). Early Human Development, 152, 105273.
Lee, K. M., Rogers‐LaVanne, M. P., Galbarczyk, A., Jasienska, G., & Clancy, K. B. (2021). Bone density and frame size in adult women: Effects of body size, habitual use, and life history. American Journal of Human Biology, 33(2), e23502.
Fischer Pedersen, J. K., Klimek, M., Galbarczyk, A., Nenko, I., Sobocki, J., Christensen, D. L., & Jasienska, G. (2021). Digit ratio (2D: 4D) is not related to cardiovascular diseases or their risk factors in menopausal women. American Journal of Human Biology, 33(3), e23505.
Ścibor, M., Balcerzak, B., Galbarczyk, A., & Jasienska, G. (2021). Quality of life of patients with bronchial asthma exposed to gaseous air pollution in the place of residence. Sustainable Cities and Society, 64, 102541.
Mijas, M., Koziara, K., Galbarczyk, A., & Jasienska, G. (2020). Chubby, hairy and fearless. Subcultural identities and predictors of self-esteem in a sample of Polish members of bear community. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12), 4439.
Galbarczyk, A., Klimek, M., Nenko, I., & Jasienska, G. (2019). Sons may be bad for maternal health at older age: New evidence for costs of reproduction in humans. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 74(5), 648-651.
Galbarczyk, A. (2019). Syn córce nierówny, czyli o wpływie płci urodzonych dzieci na fizjologię i zdrowie matki. Kosmos, 68(1), 13-18.
Rogers, M. P., Lee, K. M., Galbarczyk, A., Klimek, M., Klein, L. D., Zabłocka‐Słowińska, K., … & Clancy, K. B. (2020). Declining ages at menarche in an agrarian rural region of Poland. American Journal of Human Biology, 32(3), e23362.
Milkowska, K., Galbarczyk, A., & Jasienska, G. (2019). Disgust sensitivity in relation to menstrual cycle phase in women with and without an infection. American Journal of Human Biology, 31(3), e23233.
Ścibor, M., Galbarczyk, A., & Jasienska, G. (2019). Living well with pollution? The impact of the concentration of PM2. 5 on the quality of life of patients with asthma. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(14), 2502.
Ścibor, M., Balcerzak, B., Galbarczyk, A., Targosz, N., & Jasienska, G. (2019). Are we safe inside? Indoor air quality in relation to outdoor concentration of PM10 and PM2. 5 and to characteristics of homes. Sustainable Cities and Society, 48, 101537.
Lee, K. M., Rogers, M. P., Galbarczyk, A., Jasienska, G., & Clancy, K. B. (2019). Physical activity in women of reproductive age in a transitioning rural Polish population. American Journal of Human Biology, 31(3), e23231.
Marcinkowska, U. M., Galbarczyk, A., & Jasienska, G. (2018). La donna è mobile? Lack of cyclical shifts in facial symmetry, and facial and body masculinity preferences—A hormone based study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 88, 47-53.
Kuna, B., Galbarczyk, A., Klimek, M., Nenko, I., & Jasienska, G. (2018). Age difference between parents influences parity and number of sons. American Journal of Human Biology, 30(3), e23095.
Kuna, B., & Galbarczyk, A. (2018). Men with more masculine digit ratios are partnered with more attractive women. Personality and Individual Differences, 124, 8-11.
Miłkowska, K., Ziomkiewicz, A., & Galbarczyk, A. (2018). Tattooed man: Could menstrual cycle phase and contraceptive use change female preferences towards bad boys?. Personality and Individual Differences, 121, 41-47.
Marcinkowska, U. M., Little, A. C., Galbarczyk, A., Nenko, I., Klimek, M., & Jasienska, G. (2018). Costs of reproduction are reflected in women’s faces: Post‐menopausal women with fewer children are perceived as more attractive, healthier and younger than women with more children. American journal of physical anthropology, 165(3), 589-593.
Galbarczyk, A., & Ziomkiewicz, A. (2017). Tattooed men: Healthy bad boys and good-looking competitors. Personality and Individual Differences, 106, 122-125.
Klimek, M., Galbarczyk, A., Nenko, I., & Jasienska, G. (2016). Women with more feminine digit ratio (2D: 4D) have higher reproductive success. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 160(3), 549-553.
Ziomkiewicz, A., Sancilio, A., Galbarczyk, A., Klimek, M., Jasienska, G., & Bribiescas, R. G. (2016). Evidence for the cost of reproduction in humans: high lifetime reproductive effort is associated with greater oxidative stress in post-menopausal women. PloS one, 11(1), e0145753.
Marcinkowska, U. M., Ellison, P. T., Galbarczyk, A., Milkowska, K., Pawlowski, B., Thune, I., & Jasienska, G. (2016). Lack of support for relation between woman’s masculinity preference, estradiol level and mating context. Hormones and Behavior, 78, 1-7.
Colleran, H., Jasienska, G., Nenko, I., Galbarczyk, A., & Mace, R. (2015). Fertility decline and the changing dynamics of wealth, status and inequality. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1806), 20150287.
Klimek, M., Galbarczyk, A., Colleran, H., Thune, I., Ellison, P. T., Ziomkiewicz, A., & Jasienska, G. (2015). Digit ratio (2D: 4D) does not correlate with daily 17β‐estradiol and progesterone concentrations in healthy women of reproductive age. American Journal of Human Biology, 27(5), 667-673.
Puskarczyk, K., Galbarczyk, A., Klimek, M., Nenko, I., Odrzywołek, L., & Jasienska, G. (2015). Being born after your brother is not a disadvantage: Reproductive success does not depend on the sex of the preceding sibling. American Journal of Human Biology, 27(5), 731-733.
Jasienska, G., Ellison, P. T., Galbarczyk, A., Jasienski, M., Kalemba-Drozdz, M., Kapiszewska, M., … & Ziomkiewicz, A. (2015). Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) polymorphism is related to differences in potential fertility in women: a case of antagonistic pleiotropy?. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1803), 20142395.
Klimek, M., Galbarczyk, A., Nenko, I., Alvarado, L. C., & Jasienska, G. (2014). Digit ratio (2D: 4D) as an indicator of body size, testosterone concentration and number of children in human males. Annals of human biology, 41(6), 518-523.
Colleran, H., Jasienska, G., Nenko, I., Galbarczyk, A., & Mace, R. (2014). Community-level education accelerates the cultural evolution of fertility decline. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281(1779), 20132732.
Galbarczyk, A., & Jasienska, G. (2013). Timing of natural menopause covaries with timing of birth of a first daughter: Evidence for a mother–daughter evolutionary contract?. Homo, 64(3), 228-232.
Galbarczyk, A. (2011). Unexpected changes in maternal breast size during pregnancy in relation to infant sex: an evolutionary interpretation. American Journal of Human Biology, 23(4), 560-562.
Udział w konferencjach
Galbarczyk A, Klimek M, Nenko I, Jasienska G. Number of sons and inflammaging among postmenopausal women. International Society for Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health Annual Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland. 2019
Galbarczyk A, Blukacz M, Klimek M, Nenko I, Jabłońska M, Jasienska G. Inflammaging: blame the sons. Number of sons and maternal C-reactive protein level among postmenopausal women. European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Annual Meeting, Toulouse, France, 2019
Galbarczyk A, Mijas M, Marcinkowska U, Koziara K, Apanasewicz A, Ziomkiewicz A. Does sexual orientation moderate perception of tattooed men? European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Annual Meeting, Pécs, Hungary, 2018
Galbarczyk A, Klimek M, Nenko I, Jasienska G. Sons may be bad for mother’s health. New evidence for the cost of reproduction in humans. European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Annual Meeting, Paris, France, 2017
Galbarczyk A, Ziomkiewicz A. Tattooed men: Healthy bad boys and good-looking competitors. European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Annual Meeting, London, United Kingdom, 2016
Marcinkowska UM, Little AC, Galbarczyk A, Nenko I, Klimek M, Jasienska G. Costs of reproduction painted on women’s faces. European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Annual Meeting, London, United Kingdom, 2016
Lee KM, Rogers MP, Galbarczyk A, Jasienska G, Polk JD, Clancy KB. Physical activity and anthropometry effects on bone turnover biomarkers in rural Polish women, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Atlanta, USA, 2016
Clancy KB, Rogers MP, Lee KM, Galbarczyk A, Jasienska G. Environmental factors associated with luteal phase endometrial thickness in a sample of rural Polish women, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Atlanta, USA, 2016
Rogers MP, Lee KM, Galbarczyk A, Jasienska G, Malhi RS, Clancy KB. Investigating variation in age at menarche: relationships between gene methylation and reproductive traits in rural Polish women, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Atlanta, USA, 2016
Galbarczyk A, Ziomkiewicz A. The impact of tattoos on perception of men. The Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies, 3rd International Conference, Toruń, Poland, 2016
Klimek M, Galbarczyk A, Nenko I, Jasienska G. Women with higher reproductive costs have more asymmetric faces. The Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies, 3rd International Conference, Toruń, Poland, 2016
Klimek M, Galbarczyk A, Nenko I, Jasienska G. Reproductive costs and facial fluctuating asymmetry in postmenopausal women. Annual Meeting of DOHaD Society of Australia and New Zealand, Adelaide, Australia, 2016
Galbarczyk A, Marcinkowska U, Miłkowska K, Pawłowski B, Jasienska G. Estradiol levels do not predict women’s preferences towards facial masculinity. European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Annual Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2015
Klimek M, Galbarczyk A, Nenko I, Jasienska G. Women with more feminine digit ratio have larger number of children and are longer reproductively active. European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Annual Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2015
Lee KM, Rogers MP, Galbarczyk A, Jasienska G, Clancy KB, Polk JD. Physical activity levels in women of reproductive age in rural Poland. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis, USA, 2015
Klimek M, Galbarczyk A, Colleran H, Thune I, Ellison PT, Ziomkiewicz A, Jasienska G. Prenatal exposure to sex hormones in relation to sex hormones in women of reproductive age. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis, USA, 2015
Rogers MP, Lee KM, Galbarczyk A, Jasienska G, Malhi R, Clancy KB. CYP19A1 methylation: life history factors’ effects on the genome. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis, USA, 2015
Galbarczyk A. Mother-daughter contract and age at menopause, The Nordic Evolutionary Psychology Meeting 2014, Lammi, Finland, 2014
Gibas B, Galbarczyk A, Jasienska J, Intercourse during pregnancy as a way for keeping the partner. The Nordic Evolutionary Psychology Meeting 2014, Lammi, Finland, 2014
Jasienska G, Galbarczyk A, Klimek M, Nenko I, Odrzywołek L, Trade-offs between reproduction and health: High reproductive effort is related to faster immuno-aging in women. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Calgary, Canada, 2014
Klimek M, Galbarczyk A, Nenko I, Alvarado LC, Jasienska G., More masculine 2D:4D predicts better biological condition, higher testosterone levels and higher number of children in men. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Calgary, Canada, 2014
Galbarczyk A, Jasienska G. Mother-daughter contract and age at menopause. XIV Congress of European Society of Evolutionary Biology, Lisbon, Portugal 2013
Galbarczyk A, Klimek M, Nenko I, Jasienska G. Duration of breastfeeding is differentially influenced by paternal or maternal grandparents. Polish Evolutionary Conference. Krakow, Poland 2013
Klimek M, Galbarczyk A, Nenko I, Odrzywolek L, Jasienska G. Digit ratio (2D:4D) as indicator of body size, testosterone concentration and number of children in human male. Polish Evolutionary Conference. Krakow, Poland 2013
Klimek M, Galbarczyk A, Nenko I, Jasienska G. Boys born after a brother are smaller at birth. European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2013
Jasienska G, Nenko I, Galbarczyk A, Jasienski M, Walas M. Women living with parents-in-law are more fertile, American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Portland, Oregon, USA 2012
Galbarczyk A, Walas M, Nenko I, Jasienska G. Duration of breastfeeding is differentially influenced by maternal or paternal grandparents in a contemporary rural Polish population. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference, Montpellier, France 2011
Walas M, Galbarczyk A, Nenko I, Jasienska G. Digit ratio (2D:4D) as an indicator of biological condition among men from Polish rural population, Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference, Montpellier, France 2011
Alvarado LC, Galbarczyk A, Walas M, Jasienska G. Testosterone, musculature, and strength across the life course of men from rural Poland, Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Montpellier, France 2011
Galbarczyk A. Unexpected changes in maternal breast size during pregnancy in relation to infant’s gender. 5th European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Conference, Wroclaw, Poland 2010