06.05.2019 r.
Associaton of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER), którego członkiem jest m.in. Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego UJ CM, po raz kolejny organizuje Szkołę Letnią – Andrija Stampar Summer School 2019. Szkoła oferuje innowacyjny sposób nauczania, mentoring edukacyjny oraz program dostosowany do inicjowania unikalnych doświadczeń edukacyjnych. Zamiast klasycznego systemu szkolnego uczestnicy proszeni są o przedstawienie problemu z zakresu zdrowia publicznego, po którym następuje sesja mentoringowa i próba rozwiązania przedstawionego problemu. Proces uczenia się jest wzmocniony pomocą mentorską uznanych europejskich i światowych ekspertów w dziedzinie zdrowia publicznego i systemów opieki zdrowotnej.
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Dear ASPHER Members,
ASPHER is proud to announce the Andrija Stampar Summer School 2019!
Fostering ASPHERs’ motivations towards a Europe-wide CPD scheme, the Andrija Stampar Summer School will be an annual event of the ASPHERs’
Public Health Training Academy (PHTA).
Whilst competency based training is crucial for public health professionals throughout the European Region, strengthening the identity of the public health professional is fundamental to invigorate our brightest and most determined personnel during their career development.
The Andrija Stampar Summer School is an inspirational experience like no other, as it aims to provide an exclusive educational platform, using innovative teaching styles, profound mentoring and career advice by distinguished public health experts. Besides its mentoring approach, the curriculum aims to honour Andrija Stampar and Andrija Stampar medallist.
Hence, the summer school and PHTA does not aim to compete with ASPHER member offerings but rather offer a great opportunity to strengthen networking opportunities for ASPHER members.
We are privileged to announce Dr. Jose M. Martin-Moreno (Stampar medalist and former ASPHER President) as the schools director, for this year’s edition and look forward to welcoming your faculty members to be a part of this unique experience. The Andrija Stampar summer school offers a great opportunity to strengthen the network of your school and secondment opportunities.
A more detailed outline can be found in the poster attached or on the public health training academy website.
Yours sincerely
Katarzyna Czabanowska
ASPHER President
Robert Otok
ASPHER Director