
Visit of Maastricht University students

25th of November 2021  One would like to say: “Long time, no see” 😊. Last week, the Institute of Public Health hosted Maastricht University after a break related to the pandemic. For many years, such visits were held “in the real world”. This time, for safety reasons, the workshop visit was made remotely. Over 80 people […]

Echoes of the International Scientific Conference (on-line) “Public Health – current achievements and new challenges” – 07-08 October 2021

19-th October 2021         The culmination of many events and popular science initiatives associated with the 30-th anniversary of the academic public health in Poland, as well as the establishment of the School / Institute of Public Health of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Jagiellonian University Medical College (FHS JU MC) in Krakow, was […]

Participation of the Institute of Public Health of the FHS JU MC in the annual ASPHER meeting

27-th September 2021      On 27-th and 28-th of September 2021, in continuation of the annual tradition, there was an international meeting of universities educating in the field of Public Health – 14th ASPHER Deans’ and Directors’ Retreat (Virtual). The remote meeting was organized by the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European […]

Shanghai Ranking GRAS 2021 – Public Health as a scientific discipline ranked the highest among all disciplines included from the Jagiellonian University!

27-th of August 2021   In the latest ranking of the best universities in the world (Academic Ranking of World Universities – ARWU), the Jagiellonian University maintained its last year’s position within the fifth hundred. In the academic subjects’ ranking (Shanghai’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects – GRAS), which is being also maintained by the ShanghaiRanking […]

Call for Abstracts – International Scientific Conference (on-line) “Public Health – current achievements and new challenges”, 07-th and 08-th of October 2021, Krakow, Poland

22nd of June 2021 Students’ Session During the International Scientific Conference on Public Health – current achievements and new challenges, the session will be held for the presentations of papers submitted by students, including PhD student. One participant can submit a maximum of two papers.  Only oral presentations are anticipated. The presentations during students’ session […]