Europubhealth plus


A Masters course firmly rooted in on-the-ground realities

The EUROPUBHEALTH+ programme is an Erasmus+:Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree that provides a high level education in the field of public health and leads to an internationally recognized double Master degree.

Its main goal is to enable the students to improve health of specific population groups and the population as a whole through:

•    the designing, planning, implementation, advising and assessment of health prevention and promotion programmes.
•    the management of health and social services and establishments.

It is designed to provide students with methods, analytical tools and conceptual knowledge required to understand public health issues.
It is based on the acquisition of academic knowledge and basic savoir-faire related to public health as well as all the necessary skills for the various functions that the students, as future public health professionals, will embrace at the local level, regional, national, European or international, in the public or the private sectors.

A wide range of career opportunities

The EUROPUBHEALTH+ Erasmus Mundus Masters course meets identified needs in many types of activities in the field of public health as well as among employers:
•    national public administrations, state services
•    local authorities
•    public and private hospitals
•    health care establishements
•    associations and NGOs
•    private companies and organisations
•    European and international bodies

The professional opportunities vary according to the specialisations undertaken by students in their EUROPUBHEALTH+ Master. They may lead to particular occupations or allow the introduction of new professional profiles in the following fields:

•    Management of social and healthcare institutions
•    Implementation and assessment of public health policies
•    Management of health programmes
•    Risk management and assessment
•    Inspection and evaluation
•    Audits and consulting
•    Education and research


Institute of Public Health at EUROPUBHEALTH+: 

Scientific Coordinator and Managerial Coordinator: Christoph Sowada PhD, prof. UJ, phone: + 48 12 43 32 833 

Course Coordinator: PhD Anna Szetela, e-mail:, phone: + 48 12 43 32 818 

Dissertation and Placement Coordinator: Magdalena Kozela, MPH, PhD, Dr hab., e-mail:, phone: + 48 12 43 32 838

Institute of Public Health in the EUROPUBHEALTH+ program offers specialization course in Governance of Health Systems in Transition. 


Modules and coordinators:

•    Introduction to governance in health system (3 ECTS)
•    Health systems goals and performance in transition (2 ECTS)
•    Financial resources for Health (2 ECTS)
•    Human resources for health (2 ECTS)
•    Change management and leadership (2 ECTS)
•    Economic burden of diseases (3 ECTS)
•    Health technology assessment and rational pharmaceutical policy (4 ECTS)
•    Market and economic incentives in health care (2 ECTS)
•    New public management in health care (1 ECTS)
•    Projections of health care expenditure and revenue (2 ECTS)
•    Coordinated/managed care (2 ECTS)
•    Health impact assessment in all policies (2 ECTS)
•    Qualitative and quantitative research methods (2 ECTS
•    Dissertation and placement (28 ECTS)

Governance of health systems in transition – Detailed curriculum

EPH 2023-2025 Programme

EPH 2021-2022 Academic Guidelines

More information on the programme’s structure, participating institutions and application procedure you will find on the EuroPubHealth+ official web site: