
Visit of the management of the Institute of Public Health at the XLIII High School (Liceum im. Zofii Chrzanowskiej) in Krakow

25-th of November 2019. Recently we have started the patronage over the XLIII High School (Liceum im. Zofii Chrzanowskiej) in Krakow. In the beautiful and historic building of the XLIII High School, the representatives of the Institute of Public Health – Prof. Christoph Sowada and Dr. Tomasz Bochenek – were hosted by the Director Ms […]

Our Institute will implement the “This Is Public Health” (#thisispublichealth) program

20th of November 2019 We are pleased to announce that the Institute of Public Health is one out of six Institutions that have been selected by The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region-ASPHER together with the American Association of Schools of Public Health – ASPPH to implement the program This Is […]

Developing cooperation with Evangelische Hochschule Berlin

31st of October 2019 A group of students and lecturers from the Evangelische Hochschule Berlin – EHB ( visited the Institute of Public Health on 21-24 October. It was the next stage in the development of cooperation between our schools. (In June 2018 our students visited Berlin and EHB.) On Monday, the guests visited the […]

We are starting cooperation with the Ostroh Academy in Ukraine

   23rd of October 2019 We are very pleased to announce that a letter of intent has been signed recently on cooperation between the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Krakow and the Faculty of Political Studies and Information Management of the National University of Ostroh Academy, in Ostroh, Ukraine. […]

Meetings of the Working Groups and the Management Committee of the European Medicines Shortages Research Network – Vilnius

22nd September 2019    Meetings of the Working Groups and the Management Committee of the European Medicines Shortages Research Network (COST CA15105 – Medicines Shortages) project were held on 10-th and 11-th of September 2019 in Vilnius. The meetings were organized this time by the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. The researchers and professionals active in pharmaceutical […]