High position of postgraduate studies in the Ranking of Education Schools of Health Managers

3-rd of  July 2018

We are pleased to announce that in the Ranking of Education Schools of Health Managers, conducted by the Health Manager magazine, postgraduate studies in Management of Health Care Units, organized by our Institute, took honorable 2nd place, losing only 3 points to the MBA studies run by SGH. In the ranking, rated among others were: percentage participation of lectures and exercises in the course of education, the cost of studies, the number of didactic hours, the maximum number of students in a group, the number of doctoral and postdoctoral degrees given at the Faculty last year, etc..

The full report is available on the Termedia publishing website: https://www.termedia.pl/Gdzie-ksztalca-najlepszych-menedzerow-ochrony-zdrowia-,12,33148,1,0.html

The Institute of Public Health of the Jagiellonian University Medical College has been educating healthcare managers for 27 years. The study offer is addressed to people who already perform or are preparing to perform managerial and organizational functions at various levels in public and non-public healthcare units and other institutions related to the healthcare system.

The aim of the studies is the acquisition of current knowledge and practical skills in the widely understood subject of management of healthcare units. The program of studies is aimed at educating students how to solve organizational problems, planning development strategies, efficient decision-making and effective management of employees.

Additional information about the recruitment process and the study program can be found at: https://izp.wnz.cm.uj.edu.pl/pl/studiairekrutacja/programy/studiapodyplomowewizp/zjez/.

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