Vivas of master’s theses of foreign students in the EUROPUBHEALTH program

14-th of June 2018.

For the tenth time, counting from the very beginning (year 2006) of the EUROPUBHEALTH, the international programme of two-year studies of public health, the Institute of Public Health of the Jagiellonian University organized vivas of master’s theses of international students. In this academic year, we hosted five students from three continents (Europe, Asia, South America), but in classes, taught in English language at our institute, participated also an additional foreign student from another program, as well as three Polish students. The master’s theses of the EUROPUBHEALTH students were prepared and defended at a very high level. We congratulate the students on their successes and heartily wish them wonderful careers all over the world! More information on the EUROPUBHEALTH studies can be found at: or

