Important information on e-learning at the Jagiellonian University

05-th of May 2020 

On the basis of the Order No. 41 of the Rector of the Jagiellonian University of 29 April 2020 on: principles governing the organization of verification of outcomes of learning which are specified in the program of studies, obtained with the use of information technologies, in association with preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19 (the full content of the Order can be found in the public domain), the following important rules of e-learning have been introduced (among others):

-) Until 30-th of September 2020, within framework of uniform master’s degree programmes, first- and second-degree programmes (…), it is permissible to organize the verification of the achieved learning outcomes which are specified in the programmes of studies, in particular to award credits and organize exams finalizing specific courses, outside the premises of the University, using information technologies, ensuring their control and registration.

-) Until 30-th of September 2020, it is allowed, in agreement with the student, to organize the diploma examination outside the premises of the University, using information technologies, ensuring their control and registration.

-) In order to ensure the security of personal data and the verification of identity of students, employees and other persons conducting classes, there has been introduced the obligation of using electronic mail by the aforementioned persons within the domain of
