Re-accreditation of the specialization training for physicians and dentists at the Institute of Public Health, in the field of Public Health

10-th of July 2024 

Due to changes in specialization training programs of physicians and dentists in Poland, introduced by the regulation of the Minister of Health (04-th of May 2023), there was a need for the Institute of Public Health (IPH) of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Jagiellonian University Medical College to obtain a new accreditation for this type of training. IPH has been conducting specialist training in the field of Public Health for many years, continuously. The Medical Center for Postgraduate Education in Warsaw grants these accreditations in Poland. After completing the multi-month re-accreditation process, preparing many documents, and signing contracts on new terms for specialist internships with the National Health Fund, the State Sanitary Inspection, the University Hospital, and the Malopolska Voivodeship Office – the new accreditation has been granted, which is valid until 27-th of June 2027. We invite physicians and dentists planning their specialization training in Public Health to IPH!

Prepared by: Tomasz Bochenek
